Tubinghead TC1W 7-1/16 3M (R45) x 11-3M(R53) , Bottom 9-PE with 2 1/16 5M(R24) 1.9VR SSO.OCT ( 1 5/8-12UN-2B,1-1/4 12UN)75K 4130 PSL2 PR1 EE LU OD546.1 H497 With Studs and Nuts and Lock Screw.
Tubing Head TCM 7-1/16 5M(R46)x 11-3M(R53) , Bottom 9-PE with 2 1/16 5M(R24),1-1/2LP SSO. OCT lockscrew (1 5/8-12UN-2B,1-1/4 12UN) 75K 4130 PSL2 PR1 EE LU OD546.1 H538, Without Studs and Nuts and Lockscrew.